He is only 24 years old but Khairil Azam Pilus (Aril) is already someone to be reckoned with in the fast-track music circles. Tabek spring!
"Transformation" ... it changes his performance a lot on so many things. Aril - yes, he is such a Jedi in Star Wars - came into Akademi Fantasia 7 diary, he has been one roller - coaster ride for the industry. Its amazing how this young man can lift our spirits. We still want him to stay in the academy where he has fun while learning the various skills of stage performance.
To me, Aril is such a wonderful, bombastic future performer. I can see his natural but very outrageous style in every performance that he did. He added the values in this reality programme. He is very much his own style. He created the transformation. He is the new icon!
Can we blame ASTRO for sending Marsha last week as temporary RA for the students? If that be the major factor on why Aril has been distracted and yet received the lowest number of SMS votes from viewers, it is totally unfair!
I wish I could change the way people think. I wish I could enable the mindset for performance, productivity, creativity, innovation, excellence and the REAL TRANSFORMATION. I wish I could re-adopt the REAL STAR Aril back into AF7. The presence of him made it all the more memorable. He is so energetic, he is so sporting, he is so daring! He has consistently outperformed himself and has become the crowd's and judges' favourite week after week.
Frankly, Aril is the best. To Aril, I wish you all the best in whatever you do even you have been voted off AF7 last night.
Starting today, I don't have anymore blue-eyed contestants in AF7. To Hafiz and Akim, keep up your good work. To Isma, Aisyah, Yazid and Claudia, your quality performance is low but you're lucky! Think ... I can't accept if Isma be the champion! AF7 will be my nightmare! Hmm ... *Anti - xoxo
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